Advanced Motorcycle Products

Attention: We are out of business as of 1/27/2025 if you have placed an order and have gotten no response contact

If you are interested in purchasing in bulk to help me deplete my stock please email me at

I have DRZ400E/S Clutch and Ignition Guards as well as for the DR650SE (no oil filter covers), I have some mirror extenders for most of the DR series 2 part mirrors with 10mm threads.

I have plenty of bar risers that will fit most of the Japanese Bikes

Your Source for Motorcycle Handle Bar Risers and Engine Guards for Japanese Bikes

Please Click Links Below for Model Specific Applications

We have offset and zero offset versions of bar risers. We also have offset FATBAR risers
We have engine guards for Suzuki DR650SE, and DRZ400 and Honda XR650R


Advanced Motorcycle Products started in 2000 and has been small but growing ever since. We make bar risers that fit a variety of Dirt, Dual Sport, Sport, and Street Bikes. The bar riser specific page will list bikes that the bar risers fit and in some cases photos of what they look like on your bike will be available.

We also make some model specific parts for the Suzuki series of off road and dual sport bikes. These parts include ignition and clutch cover guards and rear wheel spacers for the Suzuki DRZ400, and Ignition cover guards for the DR650SE. There are also bar risers for all DR series bikes.


Search Engine details:
Bar Risers Riser barriser barrisers Handle handlebar universal Suzuki Kawasaki Yamaha Honda KTM Gas Gas Husquarvna Husaberg motorcycle motor cycle 50 65 75 80 85 90 100 110 125 150 250 300 350 400 426 450 500 600 650 700 1000 1100 1200 1300 DR DRZ DRZS DRZ-SM RM RMX KLR KX KDX KLX YZ WR XR XL CR CRF CRFX DRZ400 DRZ400E DRZ400S KLX400 KLX400SR KLR400 KLR650 XR200 XR400 XR600 XL600 DR350 DL650 DL1000 DR650SE DR650 DR350 DR350S DR200 XR XR650 XR400 XR200 XR75 cruisers cruiser offroad off-road enduro trail baja thump thumper cross country touring racing dual sport dualsport advanced motorcycle products barrisers bar-risers advmp offroadbikes custom lift 1.25” fit sportbike FZ FZ6 FZ1 BMW Z1000 Z750 CB CB600 CB919 Hornet Bandit 600 1200 1000 GSX1200F GSX600F universal product products 7/8" 1-1/8" 7/8 1-1/8 offset off set fatbar fat bar stand standing tusk rox advanced dirt street sport bike sportbike talk thumpertalk race racing performance mod modify modification XR50 CRF50 KLX110 Pitster 125X 125X2R 125X3R 125X4R motovert expert pro pitbike pit bike SSR SDG Engine guards case guards caseguards ignition guards clutch guards oil filter guards